Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What I learned part 2

Never, Never NeverNEVERNEVERNEVERNEVER!!!!!!!!


Take a job without a contract.

It does not matter how much you love this job, position, work, spa, clinic, people that you will be working with, etc..... You need to get it in writing! How, when, why, what is expected of you and - AND this is the MOST important part... What you can expect of you new employer.

Many employers will consider bodyworkers to be less intelligent than they are.... Or that we are lazy, easily manipulated or that money, schedules and other things that affect our lives can be overlooked. This is WRONG, quite obviously.

Dear spa, clinic, chiropractic, beauty school and salon owners: We are regular, bill-paying, home-owning, family-supporting, tax-paying, life-enjoying people like all other workers. We will not be ignored, lied to, looked down upon, less valued, manipulated nor have you take advantage of the fact that we care so much for our work and our patients, students and guests that we sometimes do work extra hard or long hours - it is for the love of the work and for the care of those in need NOT the money or the establishment nor for you dear boss-owner, sorry to say it.

We are not less intelligent. Most of us have more education than you do. We have realized that our specific talents and emotional intelligence far surpasses that of the ordinary job, and we use that savvy to become business people - usually finding ways to work far fewer hours and have more of a life than most people.

So when you decide to assume anything about someone who does bodywork for their living. Don't. Respect us.

Bodyworkers: Respect yourselves, your lifestyles, your passion for your work and your needs. Do not let your giving nature overtake your instincts. If it feels like you are being rushed into something, wait!
If you are unsure of anything, ask, then have it written down - and signed!!! Don't let anyone take your life away from you - It is yours.

I love my work. I want to do my work with passion and love and with compassion. If someone wants to hire me or contract me out of fear, control or lack of compassion, I will not work for them. I will work only with those whose values align with my own.

Thank you and Namaste.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

This week's bodywork life lessons!!

This week, I learned so much from my practice.

I teach, I practice, I learn.........

I teach my students and my clients that we need to practice self-care. I always preach the adage that when we nourish ourselves first, then we are able to give more of ourselves -- even to give at all!

This comes back to myself as well. And I finally receive much needed massage from two wonderful practitioners and I begin to see that I am stretching myself too thin at times as my body releases.

Nourish your body, Nourish your heart. If you are feeling as if you need love and care. Give some love and care to yourself, then offer love to another. Even if it is to feed and care for your pets, release your needs and experience compassion.

I so appreciate my work, my body, all of this.
